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As a licensed clinical psychologist and ordained minister, I have practiced since 1998 in different settings with a vast variety of people, from children with ADHD, to adults with psychiatric issues, to college students, to families dealing with Family Protective Services.  My work with Adult & Teen Challenge, a faith-based residential drug recovery program, has been most influential to the way I practice.  I have witnessed people stuck in addiction walk in freedom and joy, and I’ve helped families broken by addiction come to restoration and healing. 


What makes counseling so thrilling for me is that I get to watch God work. I rest in the fact that the God I serve has all the answers to the problems people face.  I believe He loves every single person He has made, and He has made the way for peace, joy and abundant life for each of us.  At an earlier point in my own life, I struggled deeply in the aftermath of the sudden death of my father, and it is my calling and privilege to help people live in the freedom I now know and love.  I have a burden for marriages, and I love working with couples to help them utilize effective skills to build a strong foundation that will impact their generations.  My joy is to help people view themselves as their Creator sees them, to realign their focus, and to guide them onto the path towards holistic healing. 


Blessed to be Mama to four incredible children, Jadyn, Liana, Caris & Luke, I have been married since 2003 to my best friend, George Thomas, an ordained minister with the Assemblies of God and President/ CEO of Teen Challenge of Texas.

Big Ben

B. A. Psychology and         South Asian Studies 

University of Pennsylvania



M. A. General Psychology

Fordham University

New York City

Ph.D. Clinical Psychology


Fordham University

Empty aisle in the hospital

Post-doctoral Fellowship


Yale Medical School

© 2013 by Transform Counseling Inc. All rights reserved. Updated 2022.

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